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Dear Angelina Diana,
I had a session with you and I feel an overwhelming need to thank you and  tell you how much it meant to me.  I lost my daughter and I asked her before our session to please give something concrete to you that would really reinforce that she is still with me.  Something that couldn't be mistaken or interpreted any other way.  A few minutes into the session, you mentioned  a bird connection with my daughter and then said it was something to do about cardinals and said that it probably didn't mean anything to me.  But, it meant the world to me.  Just the day before I was in South Florida where I never see cardinals and two very red males spent the entire afternoon in the backyard of the house I was in.   Your gift brings and has brought so much peace to me.  There are some days when I wish I was with her.  But, your words during that hour have proven to me that she is still with me, only in a different way, and it gives me hope as I travel this road of grief.  I'm sure people thank you all the time, but I just wanted to make sure you knew at least this one session on that particular day that you have made an overwhelming difference in my life. Thank you for sharing your gift and helping people like me.  Lee


Hello, Angelina,
While I felt my mother's sweet spirit during your reading today, I also felt the expansive love and energy you are sending out to the world.Thank you so very much!  Honoring YOU with joy and love and gratitude! Marcie LaBelle  

Hello, I just wanted to thank you for my reading yesterday. As I left I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was an amazing feeling.Thank you so much. My experience was wonderful! You were such a pleasure to be around!Thank you so much. This is just what I needed. It gave me some insight and some really positive energy! Thank you! Jamie

Wow! How do I thank you for your advice regarding my grandfather? I am glad that I stopped & spoke with you on my way out. I came home and "challenged" grandpa! One thing that I remember most growing up was every Sunday 60 minutes had to be on @ my grandparents. (Hated it) so I asked him to give me some kind of sign from that show....well as I was eating my dinner tonight I went to change the tv station.... Yes, tears came streaming...60 minutes was on tv. I had no idea that the show was still even on the air! Thank you so very much for that special gift....I now know Grandpa still visits his home & me.Tammy Talbot

Hi Angelina, I want to that you so much for the amazing reading you gave to my husband and me last night.  You were extremely accurate!  You started your reading with me(my Dad), then my husband(his mom) Janice Bowen Giordano

Angelina-Just wanted to say that you are absolutely AMAZING! My son (s) and I were at Lake Compounce last night and were just blown away...I am definitely interested in booking a party and hopefully can manage to have a few family members in attendance to see for themselves the amazing work you do! God Bless...and Thank you! Gabriele

Dear Angelina,
I appreciate your time with the psychic reading and gained insightful knowledge regarding myself and my future. Following my session, I was able to analyze the information in order to understand myself and my possible career and social outlets. I believe your gifts are truly wonderful and hope you continue to share your talents with others. Sincerely, Natalie

I want to thank you, my Wife Terri was lucky enough to get through today and you provided some special messages.
Tomorrow our son Brandon was taken from us 17 years ago.  Brandon came through along with other family members. You gave Terri a very special gift.
Thank You
He was 3 ½ when a negligent school bus driver killed him. In 1992
 Once again Thank You
Mike, Terri, Kailey & Brandon


Good Morning Angelina,
Just want to thank you for the good reading yesterday.  Now I believe that Dave is really with me still.  There were a couple of things that I could not figure out yesterday, but now I have figured them out.  The younger woman that was with Dave I believe now is his cousin's wife that passed away a few years ago of cancer in her early 40's, her name was Marybeth. He was very fond of her. So there is the Mary connection.   Then the green that he was showing you had to be a golf course, I don't know why I didn't think of it at the time. But we palyed golf in Hawaii , in Aruba and at a fund raiser here in Ct.And he played at a lot of other places also. He loved golf, but after his accident he never played again, because he was always in pain. But Lisa is still confused about the spirit that came through to her though.  We both don't believe it had anything to do with her friend Colleen.  I think it was a relative from her  biological father's side. There were a lot of red heads on his mother's side of the family. We are still working on that one.   The June connection I also figured out.  His brother Peter and his wife visited from Virginia in June and we had a barbecue out on the deck,  his cousin and wife came and my brother and sister in law  and Lisa and myself and his mother who had just had her birthday in May and turned 92. And obviously he was at the party too.
thank you again and I will keep trying to get in touch with his energy.


Dear Angelina,
 I just wanted to thank you so much for coming to my house last night.  Everyone was so happy, especially my kids Tabby and Anthony they really got the messages from their father and now have no questions that he is ok, and still with them.  This is so important to me because they are so young to have had to deal with this tragic loss.  Thank you again for putting a smile on their faces.  You truly are an angel.
Lynn Corte


Hi Angelina,
I just wanted to write and tell you thank you again for our session yesterday!  I had no intention of it lasting so long, and found myself to be quieter than usual when I left (I'm really rather chatty).  But I realized as I drove home I was so quiet because I had to process everything.  I came home and wrote as much of it down as possible.  It was a very positive experience and I'm very glad you shared your time to answer all of my questions!  You really took me by surprise with how much you were able to know and advise on, which inspired so much comfort and more confidence in me!
 Anyways -- I think you are very talented and hope you will be able to continue to share your gift and help others!
Thanks again,


I was with three of my friends at the HARMD fundraiser last night and you were amazing.  Thanks
Stephanie Pane


Hi Angelina,
This is Lauren (you just met with me earlier tonight at 7pm). I just want to say thank you so much for meeting with me. Everything you said could not have been more right on. And 2 things you had said that didn't make much sense- they now make perfect sense after speaking to family members. You said my grandfather's cat was stressing the number 9 and I didn't know what that meant. The cat was actually named "Nine-Nine"! And my boyfriend's father kept saying in Spanish "no mas"- that is actually a phrase he used ALL the time! I guess some of these messages weren't meant for me!
Again, thank you so much for making me believe in the after life. It will stay with me forever!
Lauren Avroch



Just a quick note, to let you know how much we enjoyed listening to you last night (at your event) .  It was the quickest 2 1/2 hours that I can ever remember.  It was amazing!
Thank you again!
 Donna DeNardis,

Dear Angelina,
 It was such a pleasure meeting you last night at our reading. I must say you defiantly took my husband in under your wings, and gave him such a wonderful insight he is now a true believer. I think this was a fabulous experience for him. Of the four of us has had the most difficultly with losing loved ones, just as you had pointed out in our reading.. Perhaps it was for his own feelings of physically not having them here any longer,or just not the belief that they are on the "other side" still with us. I think this may bring a sense ofcloser for him in time, which he really needed in his life. Thank you! Jan

Hello Angelina,
I wanted to thank you for the reading you gave me last Thursday 2/5/09.  You had told me that someone on my mother's side was coming through that may have started w/L maybe Lily. I spoke to my mother shortly after the call and she advised me that she did indeed have an Aunt Lily. You also asked if my mom was in the dumps and she is/was, my father had been diagnosed w/cancer and has been going through chemo. He just had a check up the day after our conversation and everything came back clean!! You had brought up that I was putting myself in the spotlight for once and again you were on the ball. In March I will be taking a girls only trip to the Dominican Republic, no husbands or kids. Finally you were questioning a test of some sort and I was thinking it may be my recent promotion. I still question if I
Oh i also wanted to let you know that for many weeks I have tried to get through to speak to you and that day I do ends up being my son's birthday!!
 Thank you again,
 Lena :)


I just wanted to write to thank you for taking the time to give me a reading on the radio this morning.    I enjoy listening to your readings on the radio as it seems they give so much comfort and hope to so many.  Its nice to see you use your gift to help others.

Hi Vickie,
  Please thank Angelina for me again and tell her that I will be back in a year and update her on how things turned out. What she does is amazing!


    I have to tell you thank you again for meeting with all of us last night.  You have made a difference in my life.  I hope to be in touch with you again. Patti


Will you please pass on my sincere thanks to Angelina? I spoke with her yesterday and she helped me sooo much! She's wonderful!
 Laura Carroll

Thank you again for providing me with the opportunity for me to connect with my loved ones.  It truly was an emotional experience.
 Thank You 
Katie Martineau

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